Business English

This practical Business English course provides students with the skills required for effective communication in business.  The primary focus will be on practical situations. These will be covered with sufficient conversation and role-playing activities.

This course aims to improve the understanding and use of the English language in the following areas:

  • Presentations, making an impact
  • Participating in meetings/negotiations
  • Making telephone calls/teleconferencing
  • Writing skills, both emails and reports
  • Interviews/recruitment
  • Socialising/Networking/cultural awareness
  • Assertiveness
  • Conflict resolution/dealing with difficult situations
  • Expressing opinions/promoting your ideas
  • Work-life balance/stress

By the end of the course, the Client’s vocabulary and grammar will be broadened, while reading, listening and speaking skills will be deepened. 

Course Materials: Depending on the level of the student, an appropriate book to accompany the course will be suggested.

A short intake to complete a Needs Analysis form will be carried out, along with assessing the level of the student.

Online or Face2Face lessons available (Individual or Group).